What? In another life, I was a real scholar. If you don’t know about Assyriology, have a...
This is a pre-publication draft of : Stillman, L., S. Kethers, et al. (2009). “Adapting corporate modelling...
Larry Stillman, PhD, Tom Denison, PhD, Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash University, Australia This is a...
I published a piece about Israel and Apartheid in GalusAustralis in Feb 2010. It’s a discomforting discussion...
I had this opinion piece published in Galusaustralis in October 2009. It deals with the abiding current...
April 6, 2009 Introduction Philip Mendes’ Reflections on Jewish-Arab Dialogue & the Australasian Middle East Studies Association’...
This year, it’s being held by CCNR Monash (where I work), in conjunction with the University of...
Some of the photos of objects here are of very small things made from card paper. The...
Stillman, Larry and Linger, Henry(2009) ‘Community Informatics and Information Systems: Can They Be Better Connected?’, The Information...
The project is ending, but in 2010 here’s some basic information. The Doing IT Better project, a...