Theories, Practices and Examples for Community and Social Informatics, edited by Tom Denison, Mauro Sarrica and Larry...
This is a chapter from a recent collection of essays in community & social informatics. It is...
Larry Stillman, Tom Denison: The Capability Approach Community Informatics The Information Society (2014) 30(3): 200-211. “This article...
Rebecca French and Larry Stillman Based on research in Australia, this article offers explanatory concepts about how...
A ‘Note’ from ICTD ’13 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and...
This is a paper from some years ago about techniques for good interviews. It’s basic, but I...
Arnold, M., & Stillman, L. (2013). Power, Communities, and Community Informatics: a meta-study. The Journal of Community...
Stillman, L. (2012). Review of Fortunati, L, Pertierra, R, & Vincent, J (2012). Migration, diaspora, and information...
The plunder of books and how libraries might respond.This is a story of a now old book...
Lang, C., L. Stillman, H. Linger, J. Dalvean, B. McNamara, J. McGrath and R. Collins (2012). “Collaborative...